
A blog about dog behavior and training...and all other things dog!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Everyday Household Products can be Hazardous To Our Pets

The potential for exposure to toxic substances and the danger poisons pose to our pet animals is of serious concern to many pet owners.  But oftentimes people simply don't recognize that these toxic substances may be lurking in and around their homes in the form of common household cleaners and everyday products.  
The ASPCA reports that in the year 2009, their Animal Poison Control Center in Ubania, IL, handled more than 140,000 cases of pets exposed to toxic substances.  Many of these cases included exposure to everyday household products.

The following is their list of top ten pet poisons to effect pet animals in 2009:
  1. Human Medications
  2. Insecticides
  3. People Food
  4. Plants
  5. Veterinary Medicine
  6. Rodenticides
  7. Household Cleaners
  8. Heavy Metals
  9. Garden Products
  10. Chemical Hazards
The symptoms of poisoning span the spectrum from mild dietary upset to serious illness, neurological problems and even death.  Young animals with their natural curiosity and tendency to chew are the most vulnerable, but pets of any age can be seriously effected by exposure to toxic substances.  The best way to safeguard your pet is to carefully supervise them and to keep toxic substances well out of reach.  If your dog or cat does come in contact with toxic substances, immediate medical attention and treatment is crucial, so waste no time seeking help for your pet.

I will cover each of these hazards in more detail in upcoming posts, but if you suspect that your pet has been exposed to a toxic substance, please contact your veterinarian or the Animal Poison Control Center. 
The APCC has a 24hr hotline number: (888) 426-4435
Or for more details, visit the ASPCA's website.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Shelter Dog’s Poem

Take a moment this Christmas season to remember the many homeless cats and dogs who sit alone at the shelter.  If you have any old towels or blankets to give, why not donate them for the well being of these deserving animals.  If you take advantage of the after Christmas sales, think about purchasing a couple of inexpensive blankets or towels or anything else you can possibly think of, as a donation.

And if you're thinking about bringing a pet into your life, please consider adoption.
Have a blessed, safe and Happy Christmas.


’Tis the night before Christmas and all through the town,
every shelter is full—we are lost, but not found.

Our numbers are hung on our kennels so bare,

we hope every minute that someone will care.

They’ll come to adopt us and give us the call,

“Come here, Max and Sparkie — come fetch your new ball!”

But now we sit here and think of the days

we were treated so fondly — we had cute, baby ways.

Once we were little, then we grew and we grew.

Now we’re no longer young and we’re no longer new.

So out the back door we were thrown like the trash.

They reacted so quickly — why were they so rash?

We “jump on the children,” “don’t come when they call,”

we “bark when they leave us,” “climb over the wall.”

We should have been neutered, we should have been spayed,

now we suffer the consequence of the errors THEY made.

If only they’d trained us, if only we knew,

we’d have done what they asked us and worshiped them, too.

We were left in the backyard, or worse, let to roam.

Now we’re tired and lonely and out of a home.

They dropped us off here and they kissed us goodbye…

“Maybe someone else will give you a try.”

So now here we are, all confused and alone

in a shelter with others who long for a home.

The kind workers come through with a meal and a pat,

with so many to care for, they can’t stay to chat.

They move to the next kennel, giving each of us cheer…

we know that they wonder how long we’ll be here.

We lay down to sleep and sweet dreams fill our heads

of a home filled with love and our own cozy beds.

Then we wake to see sad eyes, brimming with tears –

our friends filled with emptiness, worry, and fear.

If you can’t adopt us and there’s no room at the inn –

could you help with the bills and fill our food bin?

We count on your kindness each day of the year –

can you give more than hope to everyone here?

Please make a donation to pay for the heat…

and help get us something special to eat.

The shelter that cares for us wants us to live,

and more of us will, if more people will give.

– Author Unknown

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"I want my dog to like..."

These are the words people often say to a professional dog trainer at the beginning of a behavior modification program. "I want my dog to like...other dogs...dog parks...kids...riding in the car... playing with a particular toy...etc." Although the specifics often change, the general idea is always the same. Basically they not only want to minize their dog's negative reation to something, but they also want their dogs to learn to like something that they currently have a strong aversion to.

I strongly believe this expectation sets you, your dog, and your dog trainer up for failure. As such, I file it under the heading of "unrealistic expectations."

Unrealistic Expectations are what my fellow trainer Laura and I focus on in our latest Doggie Dish audio podcast. We believe every pet owner should understand why it's so important to eliminate unrealistic expectations before starting a training protocol.

You can listen to this informative podcast from our website, or subscribe to Doggie Dish on iTunes. And please come visit us on Facebook.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Having Your Dog's Attention...

...is the title of our the latest podcast from Doggie Dish.

Having your dog's attention is important if you want him/her to listen to you. In this podcast, we supply you with practical ideas for keeping your dog's attention on a regular basis.

Listen to "Having Your Dog's Attention,"
on Doggie Dish Podcasts

Best Friends Animal Society L.A. Spring Pet Adoption Festival

Best Friends Animal Society is having their L.A. Spring Pet Adoption Festival this Sunday, May 23rd.

All of the animals come from local rescue groups and shelters. There will be dogs and cats of all ages, sizes, shapes and colors. Pure bred pets and mixes of all types will be available for adoption to approved homes. There will be some truly beautiful animals just waiting for their forever homes. If you're thinking about a new pet, this could be the opportunity for you.

The event will have a festival type of atmosphere with childrens activities, demonstrations and vendors of everything pet related. Food will also be available. It looks as if they weather is going to be great as well.

I'll be there, as Best Friends has invited a group of positive reinforcement trainers to come out and share their expertise.

WHEN: Sunday, May 23rd 11:00 am. to 4:00 pm.
WHERE: 7000 W. Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA

Come on out and meet your new best friend.
I hope to see you there!